The cost of winning at all costs

This Week: Scaling fast vs. having a viable economic model, Tim O’Reilly on Silicon Valley’s favourite growth strategy, and Twitter's travails

Founding Fuel

[Photo by Andy Beales on Unsplash]

Dear friend,

Technology-based startups have provided a new playbook for business and entrepreneurship. There is no disputing that. Students of management schools will recall that entrepreneurship classes were about building business plans and maybe a few tips on how to pitch to investors. The new model of entrepreneurship as espoused by the tech startups is increasingly finding its way into some progressive B-Schools’ curriculum. These schools now ‘facilitate’ a more hands-on approach—testing out hypothesis, building prototypes, developing ‘minimum viable products’ and fine-tuning elements on a business model canvas—all during class hours. This equips the aspiring entrepreneur with key skills while testing out her aptitude to face the uncertainty inherent in entrepreneurship. When you do these hands-on activities in school, building a business plan is just an incidental activity and not the core of what one learns.

So far so good. But everything comes in packages, they say. While the iterative and discovery-based approach is core to most tech startups, one other defining element has been the pursuit of radical scale as a very young company—achieve massive scale at incredible speed, create an economic moat and hope to build a monopoly. Scale fast, even if there is no viable economic model in sight. Think of unit economics for a few seconds a day, but chase the dream of getting your product and app into the hands of millions, even if you make no money on the transaction for the foreseeable future. Needless to say, this approach has many fans and has created near monopolies like Facebook, Google, Uber and LinkedIn in the past.

If you follow Tim O’Reilly, the founder of O’Reilly Media, you would know he thinks hard about the impact of business on society. He is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, the hotbed of tech innovation, but he has frequently spoken about his view on the ill effects of Silicon Valley’s strategy. The recent one published in Quartz is a must read. In this piece, O’Reilly, under the garb of reviewing a new book, Blitzscaling, argues that scaling brings in investor money, and this prompts even greater attempts to scale before even proving that there is a viable business model. This model, according to O’Reilly, inherently encourages a ‘winning at all costs’ kind of entrepreneur—one who is hard-charging, willing to crash through barriers and often ruthless. His examples of Sunil Paul, Lyft and Uber are fascinating. He goes on to point out that in 2018, 83% of companies that did an IPO, made no profits, and wonders what the economic merit is for betting on such companies. He pushes his argument further to say the winners who emerge out of this approach have tremendous responsibility because of their scale. It’s a long read but an important one.

While on the topic of responsibility, is Twitter owning up? NS Ramnath explores what Twitter really is and how it behaves, and what it thinks it is. A thought-provoking piece.

Have a great week ahead!

CS Swaminathan

On behalf of Team Founding Fuel

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Founding Fuel

Founding Fuel aims to create the new playbook of entrepreneurship. Think of us as a hub for entrepreneurs- the go-to place for ideas, insights, practices and wisdom essential to build the enterprise of tomorrow. It is co-founded by veteran journalists Indrajit Gupta and Charles Assisi, along with CS Swaminathan, the former president of Pearson's online learning venture.

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