Masterclass | The World in 2025 Series

Traditional Mindset vs Gig Mindset

In this two-part Masterclass series, our distinguished panel of experts will unpack the big shifts in geopolitics, trade, economy and technology, and what it all means for India.

Session 1 of the Masterclass on The World in 2025 will aim to thread together four primary drivers of complex change facing the world, much of it driven by the incoming Trump Administration’s new agenda.

  • US-China rivalry: What is China’s perspective on the Trump White House and global rivalry? Even as Trump tries to withdraw from regions where the US is currently involved, China appears to be increasing its engagement and is rapidly developing its comprehensive national power.
  • Security: A tumultuous Middle East and the implications; Turkey's rising influence as a regional power; political turmoil in Europe; and the Ukraine war.
  • The tech race: China has emerged as one of the most innovative ecosystems in the world. The US is on the cusp of game-changing scientific breakthroughs. Europe will continue to define what regulation could look like. What can one expect in the critical fields of energy, healthcare, computing, and regulation?
  • Trade and economy: The impact on manufacturing, investment and tech transfer. And will Trump 2.0 trigger a tariff war and reshape the global trade landscape?

Session 2 of the Masterclass will focus on India — its importance as a rising power and a stable democracy with relations with all major global powers, an alternative supply chain destination, and a large consumer market. What do the cross-currents of change in the global arena mean for the country?


Masterclass | The World in 2025 Series

Masterclass: The World in 2025 - Part 1
Masterclass: The World in 2025 - Part 1

17 takeaways on the new dynamics in geopolitics and geoeconomics, especially after Donald Trump’s inauguration as US president, the shifting sands in the Middle East with conflict and informal fragile truce, and the big decadal shifts