Daily Newsletter

January 19, 2021: Liz Wiseman on leadership; Jack Ma vs the Chinese state; How Moderna’s vaccine was 33 years in the making; Who runs the government?
Tag : covid-19-vaccine
Daily Newsletter
January 19, 2021: Liz Wiseman on leadership; Jack Ma vs the Chinese state; How Moderna’s vaccine was 33 years in the making; Who runs the government?
Daily Newsletter
January 13, 2021: Why TED Talks work; Covid-19 vaccines in India; A weather check on New Year resolutions; Are you still on Twitter?
Daily Newsletter
December 10, 2020: Social media could lead to a more diverse political discussion than offline socializing; Beat the blues with Rock ‘n Roll; IP in the age of Covid; Christmas this year
Daily Newsletter
December 8, 2020: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on happiness; The ethics of private purchase of vaccines; How to conduct better meetings using AI; Corona is a whistleblower
Daily Newsletter
December 1, 2020: Rolf Dobelli on the dangers of doing favours; When placebo is not just a placebo; How to have deeper conversations; Life is a game
This Week in Disruptive Tech
This Week in Disruptive Tech | November 25, 2020: A roundup of news and perspectives on how technology is shaping the future, here in India and across the world
Daily Newsletter
November 26, 2020: What gives joy; Now comes the hard part with vaccines; In uncertain times, start at the end; A cheat sheet
Daily Newsletter
November 18, 2020: Perception matters; How to become a better listener; How not to secure your data
Daily Newsletter
November 12, 2020: Wisdom from Lee Kuan Yew; Pfizer’s new vaccine and open society; Five things businesses can do in the present crisis
Daily Newsletter
October 26, 2020: The inner game of IPL; The logistics of vaccine distribution; What do you see?
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