FF Daily #543: Parasites of the mind

December 8, 2021: Are you a victim of thinkism? Does Twitter have a business? Knowledge versus googling
Tag : mihaly-csikszentmihalyi
December 8, 2021: Are you a victim of thinkism? Does Twitter have a business? Knowledge versus googling
Daily Newsletter
December 7, 2021: Inside Clubhouse India; Ben Affleck on Matt Damon; Imagination versus reality
Daily Newsletter
January 5, 2021: Trendspotting with Haresh Chawla (and a conversation with Nandan Nilekani); A curator’s reflections on 2020; Our blessed homeland, and their barbarous wastes, updated
Daily Newsletter
December 8, 2020: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on happiness; The ethics of private purchase of vaccines; How to conduct better meetings using AI; Corona is a whistleblower
Private Unlimited
Is it possible to work 250 hours a month and still remain healthy, happy and married?
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