Daily Newsletter

October 27, 2021: Booster shots, science, and justice; The new elite; Exaggeration
Tag : trust
Daily Newsletter
October 27, 2021: Booster shots, science, and justice; The new elite; Exaggeration
Daily Newsletter
March 30, 2021: Impact of big businesses; A lottery vendor shows the meaning of ethics in business; The Free Trial trap
Daily Newsletter
February 18, 2021: Pandemic and unintended consequences; Developing trust remotely; How to solve problems
The Gist
Predicting behaviour isn’t rocket science, say Robin Dreeke and Cameron Stauth in their book, ‘Sizing People Up’. It is a social science, and requires you to apply the right equation of logic, strategy, scepticism, observational skills, and the ability to accept unwelcome truths
The art of selling, driving systemic change through open-source knowledge, bitcoins and the limits of AI
That those in the media are toast is now part of popular opinion. But the fact that an opinion is widely held is no evidence that it is not utterly absurd
Ask Bagchi
How does one build trust among founders in a start up team?
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