Daily Newsletter

June 18, 2022: How to enter and explore the word of sailing in India
Daily Newsletter
June 18, 2022: How to enter and explore the word of sailing in India
Daily Newsletter
June 11, 2022: Discovering India through its literature, translated in English
These three stories illustrate the power of keeping options open, cultivating a learner's mindset, and putting up your hand to go a little out of your comfort zone. Extracted from Radhika Gupta’s book, ‘Limitless: The Power of Unlocking Your True Potential’
You can reset your assumptions and beliefs. And when you do, you change your reality. An excerpt from Ravi Venkatesan’s book ‘What the Heck Do I Do with My Life?’
Daily Newsletter
May 12, 2022: The importance of Rahul Gandhi; Moral injuries and soul care; Don’t drink and work
Daily Newsletter
May 11, 2022: The resource crunch; Musical diplomacy; Creativity unleashed
Daily Newsletter
May 10, 2022: Recession risks; How protectionism can lead to higher prices; Literally speaking
Daily Newsletter
May 9, 2022: The danger of a single story; The trouble with Congress; Quality vs. price
Daily Newsletter
May 6, 2022: Life in Shanghai; The journey of reusable plastic; A literal mess
Daily Newsletter
May 5, 2022: Timeless wisdom; Should we take a booster dose?; Happiness
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