A guide to owning electric cars and scooters—from ease of use, to running costs, charging networks, reliability, and more
Category : technology
A guide to owning electric cars and scooters—from ease of use, to running costs, charging networks, reliability, and more
The Gist
Insights from Yuval Noah Harari’s book ‘Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI’
Fintech Special Report
The outlook for fintech companies has shifted from unchecked optimism to uncertainty. The rose-tinted glasses are off and some of the well-funded companies are pivoting. Their future will depend on their ability to look beyond technology as the panacea. Part 1 of a 4-part series
Fintech Special Report
The ground reality has changed. Fintechs are realising that partnerships and ecosystem thinking are key to winning the market, not competing with the incumbents. Part 2 of a 4-part series
Fintech Special Report
Fintechs bet on data and algos to know the credit-worthiness of the underserved. However, there's a gap in what the data can reveal because of consumer behaviour. Part 3 of a 4-part series
Fintech Special Report
Fintech must contend with inherent conflicts with what the regulators want. Fintech’s push for rapid scaling needs to balance with the regulators’ push for financial stability and consumer protection. Part 4 in this 4-part series
The James Webb Space Telescope and how it’s going to change our lives
A conversation with Haresh Chawla, partner at True North, and Saurabh Mukherjea, founder, Marcellus Investment Managers
Renaming Facebook as Meta indicates a big bet on the metaverse, as well as an “escape hatch” from the issues and scrutiny Facebook has been facing. The entire industry is at the beginning of a big wave and Mark Zuckerberg has been building capacity for some years now. However, the key to Meta’s success will depend on whether and how fast customers adopt it to work, learn, play, build and live.
The Account Aggregator framework is aimed at giving control of data back to users; but the road will be rough and full of resistance
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