Nilima is the founder-director of Sampurnah, The Wholeness Practice (www.sampurnah.com) and co-author of My Cancer is Me – The Journey From Illness to Wholeness (www.mycancerisme.com). She is currently writing a book on Shakti Leadership, with Raj Sisodia and has a column called "Shakti Speaks" on women's concerns and gender relations, in print as well as social media.
As a facilitator of personal transformation, Nilima is currently focused on women's awakening, leadership and empowerment at a global level. She has nearly 25 years of corporate experience and consciousness-based health and growth training.
Nilima was Head, Corporate Communications for an ITC Hotel, Philips and ESPN STAR Sports before becoming certified as a Sivananda yoga teacher and taking up the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & the Mother. She is also a dancer and choreographer, having co-founded a dance company (Sri Shakti) to demystify Indian dance and spiritual sciences for international audiences. She has lived in Germany, Singapore, UK and Hong Kong and spent the last year between India and the US, serving as a core faculty member for Whole Foods Market's Academy for Conscious Leadership. She teaches workshops on Conscious Leadership at the Esalen Institute in California. She is also actively involved with supporting the Conscious Capitalism Movement and WIN (Women's International Network).