Technological progress is changing the nature of work in ways we don’t realize. For India’s push into manufacturing to be successful, we need to prepare for manufacturing as it will be five years from now
Tag : automation
The future of manufacturing—and what it means for Make in India
Dispatches from China
China steps towards intelligent manufacturing
China is committing itself to automation. If all goes as per plan, soon robots and automation will be the norm in Chinese factories
The Robots Will Take Our Jobs. Then What?
The writing is on the wall: the robots will take our jobs. Martin Ford, author of 'Rise of the Robots', explains the implications for human beings and the market-driven capitalist system.
A new vision for Make in India: Create a web of small, nimble enterprises
Fears about technology displacing jobs are unrealistic. A network of technology-led enterprises will disrupt old-style massive factories and generate more opportunities for employment
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