Daily Newsletter

November 9, 2021: The art of consent; The 4-day work week; The patience prayer
Tag : systems-thinking
Daily Newsletter
November 9, 2021: The art of consent; The 4-day work week; The patience prayer
Solutions for problems such as climate change are unlikely to come from experts who rely on numbers, and from economists who rely on self-interest and the invisible hand for progress. This is part of a zero sum, competitive, narrative. But nature is complex and insists on cooperation
The vaccine crisis is yet another proof that principles of capitalism are at variance with the needs of humanity. Instead of top-down policies, focus on profits and economies of scale, local on-the-ground solutions and the economies of scope that they bring, can be the founding fuel for transformative change
Daily Newsletter
March 27, 2021 | FF Daily #334: Five Founding Fuel stories that give an inkling of how the ground is shifting
Daily Newsletter
March 1, 2021: Walter Isaacson on passionate curiosity; Why local experience matters; France’s repairability index; How to measure our lives
A learning session with Arun Maira, Harish Hande, Mekhala Krishnamurthy and M Rajshekhar
Daily Newsletter
February 2, 2021: Simple rules for complex systems; Christine Darden on working in a male dominated culture; Selfie in the age of Clubhouse
Daily Newsletter
January 21, 2021: Examine and deal with fears; The connection between Odisha’s education boom and mining; Kamala Harris and the rise of the alpha desi female; Late to work?
Four books show why and how we must reconnect the economy and technology with humanity
A message for social change-makers seeking ‘impact on scale’ even as sources of funding dry up: Stay focused on the purpose (the doughnut) and not the scale and brand of your organisation (the hole). Innovate. And learn to be a catalyst
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