Stories At Work

Put your storytelling skills to work to be a super salesperson
Stories At Work
How to make your message memorable and compelling
Stories At Work
Put your storytelling skills to work to be a super salesperson
Stories At Work
Put your storytelling skills to work to be a better salesperson
Stories At Work
What works and what doesn't when you have Doubting Thomases
Stories At Work
You don't need a complex plot or theatrics. Narrating experiences and anecdotes can make an abstract concept concrete and build its memorability
Stories At Work
The first step is to acknowledge the anti-story and then put a more powerful story in its place
Stories At Work
Make case studies interesting to read, easy to recall and effortless to retell by introducing elements of a good story
Stories At Work
How to make your pitch credible, viable and persuasive enough for someone to believe in you and want to put their money on your idea
Stories At Work
Narratives are much more memorable than bullet points on a PowerPoint slide when trying to make your teams understand your strategy
Stories At Work
How do you ensure that your company's values are not just abstract concepts? Listen and share stories from employees on how they are living these values
Stories At Work
How to introduce yourself so that you stand out and are remembered for the values you bring to the table
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