This Week in Disruptive Tech

This Week in Disruptive Tech | October 1, 2020: A roundup of news and perspectives on how technology is shaping the future, here in India and across the world
Tag : artificial-intelligence
This Week in Disruptive Tech
This Week in Disruptive Tech | October 1, 2020: A roundup of news and perspectives on how technology is shaping the future, here in India and across the world
Daily Newsletter
August 28, 2020: Martin Bjergegaard on an organisation’s culture; Karim Lakhani on why you need to understand new tech skills such as statistics, programming and machine learning; Asana’s Dustin Moskovitz on getting the culture right
Daily Newsletter
August 19, 2020: Gary Kasparov on AI; Shravan Bhat on financial freedom; Santosh & Pallavi Desai on starting up
Daily Newsletter
August 6, 2020: Kai-Fu Lee on why we should focus on China; a lesson on technology from the life of mouse co-inventor William English; are we losing the art of small talk?
This Week in Disruptive Tech
This Week in Disruptive Tech | July 22, 2020: A roundup of news and perspectives on how technology is shaping the future, here in India and across the world
This Week in Disruptive Tech
This Week in Disruptive Tech | July 15, 2020: A roundup of news and perspectives on how technology is shaping the future, here in India and across the world
This Week in Disruptive Tech
This Week in Disruptive Tech | July 01, 2020: A roundup of news and perspectives on how technology is shaping the future, here in India and across the world
The world over, there is a “tribalisation of opinion”. Where are the spaces to listen to people not like us?
Year End Special
Twenty stories on cautionary tales, purpose and ethical conflicts, India’s pulse points, understanding technology’s impact and potential, and preparing for change
This Week in Disruptive Tech
September 8, 2019: A roundup of news and perspectives on disruptive technology from around the world. In this issue: Chandrayaan 2, Jio’s business plan, deepfakes, artificial intelligence, and the problem with Big Data
Editors Picks