Daily Newsletter

November 11, 2020: Thich Nhat Hanh on silent action; What it takes to follow your passion; Azim Premji on people and philanthropy; Perspective matters
Tag : azim-premji
Daily Newsletter
November 11, 2020: Thich Nhat Hanh on silent action; What it takes to follow your passion; Azim Premji on people and philanthropy; Perspective matters
Daily Newsletter
September 20, 2020: FF Recommends | Giving; Azim Premji—a call to idealism and nation building; Advanced algorithms for WFH
Daily Newsletter
July 28: Lincoln; Learning from Azim Premji; Apple Pandemic Tracker; School From Home
Unlike some of his peers, Azim Premji has shown the ability to walk away from the company that he built and not portray himself as indispensable
In his keynote speech at the 19th Polestar Awards function, an annual award for excellence in journalism, Azim Premji draws on his vast experience in education and philanthropy to talk about what needs to be done to improve public education in India
Strategic Intent
Our business elite need to actively engage in a wider conversation about a new India. Instead of merely obsessing about GDP growth, business leaders need to speak out openly about our lopsided economic model
Ask Bagchi
The measures that matter: cash flow, customer satisfaction, employee perception and reputation
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