Daily Newsletter

June 25, 2021: The cost of meetings; What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School (as much as they should); On work
Tag : business-education
Daily Newsletter
June 25, 2021: The cost of meetings; What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School (as much as they should); On work
Daily Newsletter
February 17, 2021: Philip Delves Broughton on Francis Crick and how to decide what to do with your life; Delhi school reform’s upstream problem; McKinsey and the moral responsibility of enterprise; Number Theory
MasterClass on TransformingSystems with Arun Maira
Ethics can be learnt, though it may be considered difficult to teach. What matters is the kind of experiences young managers are exposed to. B-schools and firms play a crucial role in shaping their thinking through such exposures
New, bold and unconventional approaches are needed to resuscitate the research culture
This Week: Why not to pursue every new idea, perfection vs getting stuff done, bringing business education closer to practice, and more
Strategic Intent
Academic research in management needs to be more useful and relevant. But any intent to influence practice won’t happen, unless researchers learn to step out of their comfort zone and engage with the real world
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