Here’s a pattern that I’ve observed throughout my career: incumbents mostly lose; they somehow survive but don’t thrive. An incumbent growing faster than the market over a decade is more an exception, rather than the rule.
Tag : competitive-advantage
12 Deadly Sins That Bedevil Incumbents
Building a brand identity to create a high-value company
How should a company increase the value of its products and services through building a brand identity? The third in a five-part series on how companies can stand out in a competitive marketplace
How to build a strong board
Bring in the right mix of competencies, facilitate constant involvement, encourage critique and your board can be a source of competitive advantage
The Gist
So You Think You've Got a Strategy
The best approach depends on the problem at hand, says the book—Your Strategy Needs a Strategy by Martin Reeves, Knut Haanaes and Janmejaya Sinha
Stories At Work
Once upon a time…
How to harness the power of stories to connect, engage and inspire
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