Here’s a pattern that I’ve observed throughout my career: incumbents mostly lose; they somehow survive but don’t thrive. An incumbent growing faster than the market over a decade is more an exception, rather than the rule.
Tag : digital-disruption
Here’s a pattern that I’ve observed throughout my career: incumbents mostly lose; they somehow survive but don’t thrive. An incumbent growing faster than the market over a decade is more an exception, rather than the rule.
A panel discussion with Gaia Smart Cities’ Sumit Chowdhury and True North’s Haresh Chawla on the next gen’s abundance mindset, how digital businesses have changed the rules, and how to stay relevant
Much of the optimism about technology has settled down to cautious optimism. There is a growing realisation that we need both techies and fuzzies. There is a renewed appreciation for systems thinking
In another two decades, India will have a sizeable population of older consumers. Yet, tech innovation ignores them
Bridging the knowledge gap in a changing world, how leaders stay relevant, and the method behind Roger Federer’s magic
They are educated, retired, and well to do. Yet digital technology has left them behind. What’s behind this digital divide?
Naresh Goyal’s miscalculations, how technology amplifies human bias and what makes entrepreneurs entrepreneurial
This Week: Haresh Chawla on the digital trends to watch for in 2019, interview with Kishore Mahbubani, Bitcoin, business models and more
Year End Special
How cheap bandwidth and smartphones together with micropayents will affect tectonic shifts in telecom, TV and Bollywood, retail, banking and more
This Week: Behind the Wunderman-JWT global merger, Facebook’s moral dilemma, the changing nature of work, digital inclusion, creative imagination and more
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