August 8, 2022: SuperSable, Problem with Instagram?, Gender and physics
Tag : ff-insights
August 8, 2022: SuperSable, Problem with Instagram?, Gender and physics
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August 8, 2022: The man who couldn’t save himself, Facial recognition in the UK, A brief history of time
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August 5, 2022: Why writing matters, The translation revolution, Accept friend requests from your boss?, Generations apart
August 4, 2022: Admitting weakness; How CIA killed al-Zawahiri; Ironies never sleep
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August 3, 2022: Ambitious gambles; Explaining people; Going bananas?
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August 2, 2022: Staying human; What hit Meta; Good morning!
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August 1, 2022: The first step; Be sceptical; E-com anxieties
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July 29, 2022: The last man standing; The evolution of time; Define familiar instruments
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July 28, 2022: Steve Jobs, Bill Campbell and Andy Grove, India’s unemployment problem Age? What age?; Changing times
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July 27, 2022: Nagaland’s problem with women; Managing influences; The real struggle
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