Daily Newsletter

October 20, 2021: India’s gig economy; Are you a time millionaire?; Opinion’s don’t count
Tag : gig-economy
Daily Newsletter
October 20, 2021: India’s gig economy; Are you a time millionaire?; Opinion’s don’t count
Daily Newsletter
February 22, 2021: Economic theory’s incentives problem; How to invest in the markets; What GenNext thinks of parents
This Week in Disruptive Tech
This Week in Disruptive Tech | August 12, 2020: A roundup of news and perspectives on how technology is shaping the future, here in India and across the world
Daily Newsletter
August 10, 2020: Ozan Varol on breakthroughs; Salman Rushdie on resilience; the evolution of the hustle economy; the importance of intergenerational dialogue
Anjuli Pandit’s life turned upside down after she levelled sexual harassment allegations against her boss Rakesh Sarna, then CEO of Indian Hotels. Why did the system fail to provide justice? Clearly, the Tata group has an opportunity to learn from this case
HR needs to adopt gig talent first and then scale it for the organisation
The sharing economy exploded in China this year, with companies for bikes, umbrellas, toys and more all taking part in the hype. But with the concept reaching fever pitch, sharing could be in for a reality check
Rachel Botsman, co-author of ‘What’s Mine Is Yours’, tells us where the collaborative economy is heading and why it requires a fundamental shift in understanding.
This Week in Disruptive Tech
A roundup of news and perspective on disruptive technology from around the world. In this issue: the future of food, terrorism, human interactions and work.
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