What stock market investors can learn from private equity investors
Tag : personal-finance
What stock market investors can learn from private equity investors
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Should decisions be judged based on their outcome? Or is there something more intrinsic about the quality of a decision?
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In investing, as in other decision, sometimes, walking down a path and being proven wrong eventually can be disastrous. Other times, it is not taking a risky path that may be the worst thing to do.
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We are hardwired to think of money in multiple categories based on its purpose or context. At the same time, we are naturally afraid of losses of any type. These biases greatly influence our purchasing and investment decisions
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For long-term investors, volatility is an opportunity. And they must prepare to take advantage of it
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December 3, 2020: Peter Kaufman on multi-disciplinary thinking; Twitter’s battle against misinformation; New playbooks for personal finance; The wages of sin
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November 21, 2020: Save it, invest it right, create wealth
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August 26, 2020: Russell Ackoff on problem solving; TAMG Episode 5—Vijay & Shravan Bhat talk money; A leap into quantum computing; The burden of power
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
In Episode 5 of TAMG, ad industry veteran Vijay Bhat and his son Shravan talk money—a subject that’s rarely discussed in Indian families. What value do the two generations place on money, especially in tough times? And how early should you talk about it in the family?
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