
Sumit Chowdhury, founder, Gaia Smart Cities, talks about how the plan to create a 100 smart cities will allow many ideas to be pooled together and drive collaboration
Sumit Chowdhury, founder, Gaia Smart Cities, talks about how the plan to create a 100 smart cities will allow many ideas to be pooled together and drive collaboration
Baba Prasad, president and CEO of Vivékin Group, talks about how to create a long-term plan when you don't know the long term
Turning Point
Sheelika Ravishankar, who leads the HR function at Team Indus, talks about the Indus Spirit, and what their people have to do if they are to win the Google Lunar X Prize
Turning Point
Gourav Jaswal, the founder of Synapse, on the key challenges he faced
Kellogg professor Mohanbir Sawhney in conversation with Founding Fuel on the dynamics of the Indian e-commerce industry, and what it will take to succeed in India
Founding Fuel's co-founders Indrajit Gupta, Charles Assisi and CS Swaminathan talk with Radio One's Hrishikesh Kannan about their maiden venture
Charles Assisi, Indrajit Gupta & C S Swaminathan discuss the underlying philosophy behind Founding Fuel
The co-founder shares the high points of his entrepreneurial journey and his next big, hairy, audacious bet.
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