Iconic brands have a strong core. Any attempt to transform the core, driven by big consumer and lifestyle changes, can be particularly tricky, as global sportswear brand Nike discovered recently
Tag : innovation
Iconic brands have a strong core. Any attempt to transform the core, driven by big consumer and lifestyle changes, can be particularly tricky, as global sportswear brand Nike discovered recently
Climate change is undoing the gains India made from the green revolution. In this extract from his book, Race for Tomorrow, Simon Mundy talks about how, in the struggle to respond, companies like Mahyco are experimenting with genetic engineering to create new super-crops
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November 8, 2021: How innovation happens; Understanding productivity; Karma vs professionalism
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August 17, 2021: How Giant Bicycles became a leading brand; The power of digital vouchers; What Indians want
As technology becomes ubiquitous in day-to-day living, and its role in the economy grows, the importance of knowledge will increase manifold. This knowledge economy will require far deeper specialization, as disciplines get more complex. And also people with a broad understanding of multiple disciplines. An excerpt from Kiran Karnik’s new book, ‘Decisive Decade’
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July 6, 2021: Innovate to solve immediate and consequential problems; Vaccine hesitancy; The space race; Thinking time
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July 1, 2021: A policy window to make healthcare efficient; How Moderna works; Be mindful
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June 30, 2021: Clayton Christensen on reframing the problem; A new normal in Singapore; Michael Holding on racism; How teachers feel now
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December 14, 2020: Ramachandra Guha on Vinoo Mankad; How to decline Zoom meetings that are not relevant to you; Elon Musk on making your products the best they can be; Mona Lisa smile
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October 16, 2020: Francis Fukuyama on liberalism; China’s Digital Silk Route; Scott Anthony on DBS Bank; You get what you pay for
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