Are you adapting, exploring, or waiting for change to push you forward?
Tag : learning
Are you adapting, exploring, or waiting for change to push you forward?
A message to young graduates: Don’t ignore regular salaried employment. It can gain you valuable business experience and serve as a springboard to an entrepreneurial career
Daily Newsletter
July 15, 2022: Systems thinking styles; Sri Lanka—what next?; Social media narcissism
Daily Newsletter
September 1, 2021: Why the US lost Afghanistan; How to learn better by moving around; How WhatsApp works
In this excerpt from his new book ‘The Learning Factory: How the Leaders of Tata Became Nation Builders’ Arun Maira talks about what he learned about learning from TELCO’s Sumant Moolgaokar
Daily Newsletter
September 06, 2020: Depth versus breadth; FF Recommends science movies; Sunday blues
Year End Special
Articles, podcasts, books and courses for leaders and learners
What started out as an intellectually stimulating event has degenerated into a series of shallow performances
Stories At Work
Deliberate practice can make you a natural storyteller
Strategic Intent
By integrating ideas from a host of new approaches like Design Thinking, continuous learning, coaching and facilitation, one can create distinctive and relevant learning opportunities
Editors Picks