Daily Newsletter

April 1, 2022: It pays to go remote; A good sleep checklist; Smith on call
Tag : simon-sinek
Daily Newsletter
April 1, 2022: It pays to go remote; A good sleep checklist; Smith on call
…and other reflections on another year of the pandemic
Daily Newsletter
December 10, 2021: What next in 2022?; Delta is mostly behind us, but a long road lies ahead for India; Pies and bars
Daily Newsletter
September 1, 2021: Why the US lost Afghanistan; How to learn better by moving around; How WhatsApp works
Daily Newsletter
November 10, 2020: Simon Sinek on motivation; Ajay Banga on finding the balance between short term and long term; Joe Biden’s India connection; What your customer probably wants you to know
Daily Newsletter
July 16: What went wrong at NYT; how to use a what question to figure out why; and spice up daily life with adventure and mystery
Numbers aren’t everything. People matter. Cultures matter
Business As Usual marketers are blissfully insulated from what’s happening on TikTok, an app that has at least 200 million of their own core customers hooked
A lot many things got our attention this week. From astute observations on an eyeballs-focused media, to why the millennials are not too very different and changes at Tata House
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