Daily Newsletter

June 4: Why tech alone is not enough; improve access points—like Zoom; how Anurag Kashyap made Black Friday; how to call out offenders
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Daily Newsletter
June 4: Why tech alone is not enough; improve access points—like Zoom; how Anurag Kashyap made Black Friday; how to call out offenders
Work From Home
Everyone is working from home. No one knows how long this will last. This is unprecedented. It can be fundamentally transformational as well
A lot many things got our attention this week. From astute observations on an eyeballs-focused media, to why the millennials are not too very different and changes at Tata House
Once upon a time, there was the Simputer. It was intended to be the first Indian handheld computing device and was built by some of the finest engineers. It now lies in an unmarked grave. But FreeCharge, built by a philosophy major is now the rage. Irony, anyone?
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