Daily Newsletter

March 24, 2022: India’s Russia problem; Ventilate; What is it with Apple and history?
Tag : zomato
Daily Newsletter
March 24, 2022: India’s Russia problem; Ventilate; What is it with Apple and history?
There are teachers who teach in classrooms. Then are teachers who stay with you for life, after the class is done, and their lives are over
Your smartphone is the gateway for platform businesses to drive their hooks deep into your psyche and pockets, edge out traditional businesses, and reset markets. In doing so, they are becoming monopolies, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. What is fair play in this new world?
New Rules of Business
Business strategist Rajesh Srivastava analyses some of the recent business news: Netflix’s India strategy, GE’s move to Boston, the bloodbath among food tech firms, and General Motors’ Maven service
Are they the first signs of a bursting bubble or that the start-up ecosystem is robust and can make midcourse corrections?
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