Daily Newsletter

June 1, 2021: Ian Leslie on asking questions; A beauty upstart; Oslo and the art of negotiation; It’s Alright Ma
Daily Newsletter
June 1, 2021: Ian Leslie on asking questions; A beauty upstart; Oslo and the art of negotiation; It’s Alright Ma
Daily Newsletter
May 31, 2021: Chinmay Tumbe on the difficulties of forecasting in a pandemic; Best shareholder letters; On self-deception; Starry Night
Hustle Fuel
A new breed of South Asian women entrepreneurs is leading Americans to embrace the Indian grandmother’s age-old beauty secrets in new easy-to-use ways. As a marketing strategy, it is Indian tradition marketed in digitally native formats
Daily Newsletter
FF Recommends: Focus and get things done
Daily Newsletter
May 28, 2021: The search for meaning; Team versus Family; Laughter (painting)
Daily Newsletter
May 27, 2021: Why do new ideas meet with resistance; The politics of Gandhi; Zoom fatigue; Here comes the sun
Daily Newsletter
May 26, 2021: Atul Gawande on how patients benefit from teaching resident doctors; Brad Stone on the invention of the Amazon empire; Satya Nadella on the hybrid work paradox; Justice explained
Daily Newsletter
May 25, 2021: Daniel Goleman on reading emotional signals; The world is not a machine; Mixing vaccines; Invictus
Daily Newsletter
May 24, 2021: Cal Newport on focus and deep work; Why Indian cities remain underdeveloped; Bitcoin spells trouble; The Serenity Prayer
The vaccine crisis is yet another proof that principles of capitalism are at variance with the needs of humanity. Instead of top-down policies, focus on profits and economies of scale, local on-the-ground solutions and the economies of scope that they bring, can be the founding fuel for transformative change
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