Nandan Nilekani’s key to unlock the Indian market opportunity and galvanise growth: reforms in the four key areas of technology, capital, entrepreneurship and formalization
Tag : technology
Nandan Nilekani’s key to unlock the Indian market opportunity and galvanise growth: reforms in the four key areas of technology, capital, entrepreneurship and formalization
Are you adapting, exploring, or waiting for change to push you forward?
Daily Newsletter
February 19, 2022: Web3, crypto, NFTs—cut past the clutter, and get the basics right
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April 1, 2021: Unintended consequences of tree planting; The purpose of technology; Avoid men, follow women
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December 5, 2020: Our consumption of technology has shot up. Is it bad? It depends
This Week in Disruptive Tech
This Week in Disruptive Tech | August 26, 2020: A roundup of news and perspectives on how technology is shaping the future, here in India and across the world
The Gist
In their book ‘The New Long Life’, Andrew Scott and Lynda Gratton say, as individuals and as a society, we need to reimagine work, career, learning and relationships, among other things. And both the young and the old will need to share the burden and opportunities of longer lives
Daily Newsletter
July 27: Workspace as a bundle; how the poor are falling through the cracks of online education; how Mondays have changed
The world over, there is a “tribalisation of opinion”. Where are the spaces to listen to people not like us?
Much of the optimism about technology has settled down to cautious optimism. There is a growing realisation that we need both techies and fuzzies. There is a renewed appreciation for systems thinking
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