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The World in Flux: A Special Report

The shape of the world in the next five years
The shape of the world in the next five years

Fires of war are burning in several parts of the world. And the US-China hegemonic rivalry is now real. But even amidst the uncertainty there are clear signals about how geo-economics and geopolitics could shape up. Part 1 in this 3-part series dives into the paradoxes that will shape supply chains and geo-economics

Who do economists serve, really?
Who do economists serve, really?

Mainstream economic theories do not fit reality. Two new books, ‘Measuring What Counts’ and ‘Good Economics for Hard Times’, provide a counterview: Instead of treating people as data, listen to them, and find answers to their real problems for inclusive, sustainable progress

Trendspotting 2021: Inside India’s Great Digital Reset
Trendspotting 2021: Inside India’s Great Digital Reset

A new set of winners and losers are poised to emerge from the ashes of the pandemic. And a wall of foreign capital is pouring in to fund a slew of digital startups. A peek into what 2021 portends

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Rhea Soman
Rhea Soman

Design Lead, Lumiere Design Labs

Lumiere Business Solutions

Sir Graham Watson
Sir Graham Watson

Distinguished Visiting Fellow

University of Toronto - Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy

Vivek Y. Kelkar
Vivek Y. Kelkar

Researcher, Analyst & Columnist

on Geo-economics, Geopolitics and Sustainability